This book is ideal as both a textbook and as a review guide for the boards. Provides step-by-step explanations and easy-to-follow diagrams clearly depicting physiologic principles.
eBook Title: Physiology, E-Book
Author:Linda S. Costanzo
Published on 2009-12-04 by Elsevier Health Sciences
Physiology is a comprehensive presentation of core physiologic concepts with a focus on mechanisms. Renowned physiology instructor Linda S. Costanzo covers important concepts in the field, both at the organ system and cellular levels. Easy to read and user-friendly, the revised fourth edition stresses essential and relevant content with absolute clarity and includes concise step-by-step explanations complemented by numerous tables and abundant illustrations. It provides information on the underlying principles of cellular physiology, the autonomic nervous system, and neurophysiology, as well as the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, acid-base, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and reproductive organ systems. This book is ideal as both a textbook and as a review guide for the boards. Provides step-by-step explanations and easy-to-follow diagrams clearly depicting physiologic principles. Integrates equations and sample problems throughout the text. Presents chapter summaries for quick overviews of important points. Contains boxed Clinical Physiology Cases to provide you with more clinical examples and a more thorough understanding of application. Provides questions at the end of each chapter for an extensive review of the material and to reinforce your understanding and retention. Offers a full-color design and all full-color illustrations throughout. Features increased coverage of pathophysiology in the neurophysiology, gastrointestinal, renal, acid-base, and endocrine chapters to emphasize this important component of the USMLE exam. Incorporates further practice in solving physiology equations through the inclusion of additional problem-solving questions throughout the text.
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Linda S. Costanzo
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- Book was ranked at 18 by Google Books for Physiology, E-Book
- Physiology, E-Book published by Elsevier Health Sciences since 2009-12-04 with ISBNs. The book ISBN 13 Code is 9781437722246 and ISBN 10 Code is 1437722245
- Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
- The book has "512 Pages" is Printed at BOOK underMedicalCategory
- Rated by 2 Raters and have average rate at "4.5"
- eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
- eBook written in en
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