A complete guide to making a successful OB/GYN Hospital Medicine program a reality This authoritative text delivers a complete evidence-based blueprint clarifying every aspect of OB/GYN Hospital Medicine.

eBook Title: OB/GYN Hospital Medicine: Principles and Practice
Author:Jennifer Butler,Alpesh Amin,Laura Fitzmaurice,Christine Kim
Published on 2018-12-22 by McGraw Hill Professional

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A complete guide to making a successful OB/GYN Hospital Medicine program a reality This authoritative text delivers a complete evidence-based blueprint clarifying every aspect of OB/GYN Hospital Medicine. Encompassing clinical practice as well as program development and business models, the book takes physicians, nurses, administrators, and staff through the necessary steps to start and successfully run OB/GYN hospitalist programs. Readers will also benefit from an efficient approach to managing OB/GYN emergencies, which includes valuable guidance for physicians and physician extenders working in labor and delivery and ERs/ICUs. Utilizing a cohesive 3-part organization, the book begins with an insightful overview of the OB/GYN Hospital Medicine specialty, then explores related healthcare system issues and the full range of obstetric clinical conditions, from asthma in pregnancy to preterm labor. Finally, an essential review of fundamental gynecologic topics, such as pelvic pain, is provided, along with in-depth coverage of modern OB/GYN Hospital Medicine procedures. Taken together, this innovative text represents the definitive introduction to the OB/GYN hospitalist speciality—one that no hospital should be without. Features: •A focus on accessible, high-yield medical education illuminates the burgeoning field of OB/GYN Hospital Medicine •Practical, turnkey coverage of OB/GYN Hospital Medicine and its successful implementation is designed to optimize OB/GYN practice and enhance patient care •Outstanding chapter pedagogy includes learning objectives, clinical case presentations, key patient hand-off points, and abundant clinical images and illustrations

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Jennifer Butler,Alpesh Amin,Laura Fitzmaurice,Christine Kim
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Book Details:
  1. Book was ranked at 21 by Google Books for OB/GYN Hospital Medicine: Principles and Practice
  2. OB/GYN Hospital Medicine: Principles and Practice published by McGraw Hill Professional since 2018-12-22 with ISBNs. The book ISBN 13 Code is 9781259861703 and ISBN 10 Code is 1259861708
  3. Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
  4. The book has "400 Pages" is Printed at BOOK underMedicalCategory
  5. Rated by Raters and have average rate at ""
  6. eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
  7. eBook written in en
  8. Book Preview Address: http://books.google.com/books?id=Ial6DwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Medical&hl=&cd=380&source=gbs_api

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