Focusing on the unifying themes of structure and function in homeostasis, this dynamic text helps you easily master difficult material with consistent, thorough, and non-intimidating explanations.
eBook Title: Anthony's Textbook of Anatomy & Physiology
Author:Kevin T. Patton,Gary A. Thibodeau
Published on 2014-04-14 by Elsevier Health Sciences
There’s no other A&P text that equals Anatomy & Physiology for its student-friendly writing, visually engaging content, and wide range of learning support. Focusing on the unifying themes of structure and function in homeostasis, this dynamic text helps you easily master difficult material with consistent, thorough, and non-intimidating explanations. You can also connect with the textbook through a number of electronic resources, including the engaging A&P Online course, an electronic coloring book, online tutoring, and more! Creative, dynamic design with over 1400 full-color photographs and drawings, plus a comprehensive color key, illustrates the most current scientific knowledge and makes the information more accessible. UNIQUE! Consistent, unifying themes in each chapter such as the Big Picture and Cycle of Life sections tie your learning together and make anatomical concepts relevant. UNIQUE! Body system chapters have been broken down into separate chapters to help you learn material in smaller pieces. UNIQUE! A&P Connect guides you to the Evolve site where you can learn more about related topics such as disease states, health professions, and more. Quick Guide to the Language of Science and Medicine contains medical terminology, scientific terms, pronunciations, definitions, and word part breakdowns for key concepts. Brief Atlas of the Human of the Human Body contains more than 100 full-color supplemental photographs of the human body, including surface and internal anatomy. Smaller, separate chapters for Cell Reproduction, Autonomic Nervous System, Endocrine Regulation, and Endocrine Glands. Expansion of A&P Connect includes Protective Strategies of the Respiratory Tract, |Meth Mouth,| Chromosome Territories, Using Gene Therapy, and Amazing Amino Acids. Art and content updates include new dynamic art and the most current information available.
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Kevin T. Patton,Gary A. Thibodeau
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- Book was ranked at 7 by Google Books for Anthony's Textbook of Anatomy & Physiology
- Anthony's Textbook of Anatomy & Physiology published by Elsevier Health Sciences since 2014-04-14 with ISBNs. The book ISBN 13 Code is 9780323291477 and ISBN 10 Code is 0323291473
- Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
- The book has "1240 Pages" is Printed at BOOK underMedicalCategory
- Rated by Raters and have average rate at ""
- eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
- eBook written in en
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