The most complete and thorough general history of medical education in the United States ever written, this work focuses both on the historical development of medical schools and their current status.
eBook Title: American Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine
Author:William G. Rothstein
Published on 1987-10-29 by Oxford University Press
In this extensively researched history of medical schools, William Rothstein, a leading historian of American medicine, traces the formation of the medical school from its origin as a source of medical lectures to its current status as a center of undergraduate and graduate medical education, biomedical research, and specialized patient care. Using a variety of historical and sociological techniques, Rothstein accurately describes methods of medical education from one generation of doctors to the next, illustrating the changing career paths in medicine. At the same time, this study considers medical schools within the context of the state of medical practice, institutions of medical care, and general higher education. The most complete and thorough general history of medical education in the United States ever written, this work focuses both on the historical development of medical schools and their current status.
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William G. Rothstein
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- Book was ranked at 30 by Google Books for American Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine
- American Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine published by Oxford University Press since 1987-10-29 with ISBNs. The book ISBN 13 Code is 9780195364712 and ISBN 10 Code is 0195364716
- Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
- The book has "430 Pages" is Printed at BOOK underHistoryCategory
- Rated by 1 Raters and have average rate at "5.0"
- eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
- eBook written in en
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